# Creating a Block Editor

# Include the block editor in your module's form

In order to add a block editor to your module, add the block_editor field to your module form. e.g.:


    @formField('input', [
        'name' => 'description',
        'label' => 'Description',

By default, adding the @formField('block_editor') directive enables all available blocks for use in your module. To scope only certain blocks to be available in a given module, you can add a second parameter to the @formField() directive with the blocks key. e.g.:

@formField('block_editor', [
    'blocks' => ['quote', 'image']

# Create and define blocks

Blocks and Repeaters are built on the same Block model and are created and defined in their respective folders. By default, Twill will look for Blade templates in views/admin/blocks for blocks and views/admin/repeaters for repeaters.

Note: Prior to Twill version 2.2, Blocks (and Repeaters) needed to be defined in the configuration file – this is no longer necessary and not recommended. This change is backward compatible, so your existing configuration should work as it used to. Defining blocks in the configuration file will be deprecated in a future release (see the section below Legacy configuration.

Blocks (and Repeaters) are exactly like a regular form, without any Blade layout or section. The templates take special annotations to add further customization. The title annotation is mandatory and Twill will throw an error if it is not defined.

Available annotations:

  • Provide a title with @twillPropTitle or @twillBlockTitle or @twillRepeaterTitle (mandatory)
  • Provide a dynamic title with @twillPropTitleField or @twillBlockTitleField or @twillRepeaterTitleField
  • Provide an icon with @twillPropIcon or @twillBlockIcon or @twillRepeaterIcon
  • Provide a group with @twillPropGroup or @twillBlockGroup or @twillRepeaterGroup (defaults to app)
  • Provide a repeater trigger label with @twillPropTrigger or @twillRepeaterTrigger
  • Provide a repeater max items with @twillPropMax or @twillRepeaterMax, @twillRepeaterMax can also be defined from the formField. See Repeater form field
  • Define a block or repeater as compiled with @twillPropCompiled or @twillBlockCompiled or @twillRepeaterCompiled
  • Define a block or repeater component with @twillPropComponent or @twillBlockComponent or @twillRepeaterComponent


filename: views/admin/blocks/quote.blade.php


@formField('input', [
    'name' => 'quote',
    'type' => 'textarea',
    'label' => 'Quote text',
    'maxlength' => 250,
    'rows' => 4

A more complex example would look like this:

filename: views/admin/blocks/media.blade.php


@formField('medias', [
    'name' => 'image',
    'label' => 'Images',
    'withVideoUrl' => false,
    'max' => 20,

@formField('files', [
    'name'  => 'video',
    'label' => 'Video',
    'note'  => 'Video will overwrite previously selected images',
    'max'   => 1

@formField('input', [
    'name' => 'caption',
    'label' => 'Caption',
    'maxlength' => 250,
    'translated' => true,

@formField('select', [
    'name' => 'effect',
    'label' => 'Transition Effect',
    'placeholder' => 'Select Transition Effect',
    'default' => 'cut',
    'options' => [
            'value' => 'cut',
            'label' => 'Cut'
            'value' => 'fade',
            'label' => 'Fade In/Out'

@formField('color', [
    'name'  => 'bg',
    'label' => 'Background color',
    'note'  => 'Default is light grey (#E6E6E6)',

@formField('input', [
    'name' => 'timing',
    'label' => 'Timing',
    'maxlength' => 250,
    'note' => 'Timing in ms (default is 4000ms)',

With that, the block is ready to be used on the form!

# Dynamic block titles

In Twill >= 2.5, you can use the @twillBlockTitleField directive to include the value of a given field in the title area of the blocks. This directive also accepts a hidePrefix option to hide the generic block title:

@twillBlockTitleField('title', ['hidePrefix' => true])

@formField('input', [
    'name' => 'title',
    'label' => 'Title',
    'required' => true,

# Create a block from an existing block template

Using php artisan twill:make:block {name} {baseBlock} {icon}, you can generate a new block based on a provided block as a base.

This example would create views/admin/blocks/exceptional-media.blade.php from views/admin/blocks/media.blade.php:

$ php artisan twill:make:block ExceptionalMedia media image
# List existing blocks and repeaters

Using php artisan twill:list:blocks will list all blocks and repeaters. There are a few options:

  • -s|--shorter for a shorter table,
  • -b|--blocks for blocks only,
  • -r|--repeaters for repeaters only,
  • -a|--app for app blocks/repeaters only,
  • -c|--custom for app blocks/repeaters overriding Twill blocks/repeaters only,
  • -t|--twill for Twill blocks/repeaters only
# List existing icons

php artisan twill:list:icons will list all icons available.

# Using custom icons

Custom icons need to be named differently from default icons to avoid issues when creating the SVG sprites.

If you want to use custom icons in a block, you have to define the source directory's path in config/twill.php. Add it under block_editor.directories.source.icons key:

filename: config/twill.php


return [
    'block_editor' => [
        'directories' => [
            'source' => [
                'icons' => [
                    resource_path('assets/admin/icons'), // or any other path of your choice

See also Default Configuration (opens new window).

If the resource_path('assets/admin/icons') directory contains a my-custom-icon.svg file, you can use this icon in your block by using its basename: @twillBlockIcon('my-custom-icon').

# Use Block traits in your Model and Repository

Now, to handle the block data you must integrate it with your module. Use the Blocks traits in the Model and Repository associated with your module. If you generated that module from the CLI and did respond yes to the question asking you about using blocks, this should already be the case for you.

In your model, use HasBlocks:

filename: app/Models/Article.php


namespace App\Models;

use A17\Twill\Models\Behaviors\HasBlocks;
use A17\Twill\Models\Model;

class Article extends Model
    use HasBlocks;


In your repository, use HandleBlocks:

filename: app/Repositories/ArticleRepository.php


namespace App\Repositories;

use A17\Twill\Repositories\Behaviors\HandleBlocks;
use A17\Twill\Repositories\ModuleRepository;
use App\Models\Article;

class ArticleRepository extends ModuleRepository
    use HandleBlocks;
