# Validating blocks

There are 2 ways to add field validation to blocks. You have to use one or the other. If the blade directive is present it will be used over the class.

# Blade directive

The first and easiest option is to add the directives to your block form blade file:

There are 2 possible directives to use, these can be combined.

@twillBlockValidationRules for validating non translatable fields.

@twillBlockValidationRulesForTranslatedFields for validating translatable fields.

Both take an array of [field => rules] values. All Laravel validation rules are supported.


    'text' => 'required'
    'title' => 'required'

# Block class

If you need more control you can use the block class to set validation rules, or even hook into the validation process.

See Block classes documentation for more details about the block class.


namespace App\Twill\Block;

use A17\Twill\Services\Blocks\Block;

class ExampleBlock extends Block
    public $rulesForTranslatedFields = [
        'title' => 'required|string',

    public $rules = [
        'text' => 'required',