# Field grouping

Twill supports grouping fields in the database using a json column.


  • An address section existing out of a street, city and postal code field
  • An external link with Label, url and target
  • ...

Each set of grouped fields requires a column in the database. The grouped fields can be translatable or not.

# Migration and Model setup

The migration for adding a grouped field can look like this (using external link as example):

# Translatable

## Add a migration
Schema::table('blog_translations', function (Blueprint $table) {

## Update your models fillable
class Blog extends Model {
    public $translatedAttributes = [

    protected $fillable = [

## Update your Translation model and add the cast
public $casts = [
    'external_link' => 'array',

# Non translatable

## Add a migration
Schema::table('blogs', function (Blueprint $table) {

## Update your models fillable
class Blog extends Model {
    protected $fillable = [

# Field setup

To store the fields you want into the json we have to update the repository:

protected $fieldsGroups = [
    'external_link' => [

# The below can be setup optionally, documented below.
public $fieldsGroupsFormFieldNamesAutoPrefix = false;
public $fieldsGroupsFormFieldNameSeparator = '_';

Finally in our model form we can add the fields:

@formField('input', [
    'name' => 'link_target',
    'label' => 'Link target',
    'translated' => true
@formField('input', [
    'name' => 'link_url',
    'label' => 'Link url',
    'translated' => true
@formField('input', [
    'name' => 'link_label',
    'label' => 'Link label',
    'translated' => true

# Using the field name separator

In the repository file you can setup the following parameters:

public $fieldsGroupsFormFieldNamesAutoPrefix = true;
public $fieldsGroupsFormFieldNameSeparator = '.'; // Default is _

This will automatically group/ungroup these fields based on the separator:

@formField('input', [
    'name' => 'external_link.link_target',
    'label' => 'Link target',
    'translated' => true
@formField('input', [
    'name' => 'external_link.link_url',
    'label' => 'Link url',
    'translated' => true
@formField('input', [
    'name' => 'external_link.link_label',
    'label' => 'Link label',
    'translated' => true