# Multiple Checkboxes


@formField('checkboxes', [
    'name' => 'sectors',
    'label' => 'Sectors',
    'note' => '3 sectors max & at least 1 sector',
    'min' => 1,
    'max' => 3,
    'inline' => true,
    'options' => [
            'value' => 'arts',
            'label' => 'Arts & Culture'
            'value' => 'finance',
            'label' => 'Banking & Finance'
            'value' => 'civic',
            'label' => 'Civic & Public'
Option Description Type Default value
name Name of the field string
label Label of the field string
min Minimum number of selectable options integer
max Maximum number of selectable options integer
options Array of options for the dropdown, must include value and label array
inline Defines if the options are displayed on one or multiple lines boolean false
note Hint message displayed above the field string
border Draws a border around the field boolean false
columns Aligns the options on a grid with a given number of columns integer 0 (off)