# Files


@formField('files', [
    'name' => 'single_file',
    'label' => 'Single file',
    'note' => 'Add one file (per language)'

@formField('files', [
    'name' => 'files',
    'label' => 'Files',
    'max' => 4,
Option Description Type/values Default value
name Name of the field string
label Label of the field string
itemLabel Label used for the Add button string
max Max number of attached items integer 1
fieldNote Hint message displayed above the field string
note Hint message displayed in the field string
buttonOnTop Displays the Add button above the files true

Similar to the media formField, to make the file field work, you have to include the HasFiles trait in your module's Model, and include HandleFiles trait in your module's Repository. At last, add the filesParams configuration array in your model.

public $filesParams = ['file_role', ...]; // a list of file roles

Learn more at Model, Repository.

If you are using the file formField in a block, you have to define the files key in config/twill.php. Add it under block_editor key and at the same level as crops key:

return [
    'block_editor' => [
        'crops' => [
        'files' => ['file_role1', 'file_role2', ...]

No migration is needed to save files form fields.