Building a front-end

There are many ways in Laravel to build your front-end. For this guide we will use regular Blade, but since Twill is headless, you can choose any technology you want:

  • A vue/react/.. front-end that communicates over an API
  • Inertia
  • Livewire
  • ...

We are using Blade for this guide as it does not require us to build an API and no build phase (except for Tailwind CSS) .

So, let's get started!

Route and controller

In Laravel a common approach is to use a combination of routes and controllers to build a front-end.

Routes are responsible for making the connection between the url in the browser and a controller.

Controllers take care of taking the information from the route, and return the response.

In this project, the setup will be rather easy, we will have 1 route that connects to 1 controller, and that is all we need to make our page module work.

As with many things, we can use a command to generate a controller, however, the route will need to be created manually.

Creating the controller

First, we will start with the controller. To create one we can use make:controller:

1php artisan make:controller PageDisplayController

This will create the following file app/Http/Controllers/PageDisplayController.php:

3namespace App\Http\Controllers;
5use Illuminate\Http\Request;
7class PageDisplayController extends Controller
9 //

It is blank by default, that's fine, let's add a method:

3namespace App\Http\Controllers;
5use Illuminate\Contracts\View\View;
6use Illuminate\Http\Request;
8class PageDisplayController extends Controller
10 public function show(string $slug): View
11 {
12 dd($slug);
13 }

We added a show method, that takes a slug as argument. Inside we dd the slug. dd() is short for Die and Dump. It takes the argument(s), prints them (pretty) and then kills the process. It is useful to quickly figure something out or check if something is working.

With this in place, we can create a route!

Creating the route

As we are building a website, we have to add a route to routes/web.php. Let's open this file and remove the original content and replace it with our route:

3use Illuminate\Support\Facades\Route;
7| Web Routes
10| Here is where you can register web routes for your application. These
11| routes are loaded by the RouteServiceProvider within a group which
12| contains the "web" middleware group. Now create something great!
16Route::get('/', function () {
17 return view('welcome');
19Route::get('{slug}', [\App\Http\Controllers\PageDisplayController::class, 'show'])->name('');

As you can see, we create a get route, that has {slug} as uri. Our second argument is our callable. This we could have also written as 'PageDisplayController@show'. However, by using a proper namespace, it is easier to follow.

Once you save this file, head to your browser and visit: https://your-local-domain.test/example

If everything is correct, you will see the following:

dd in browser

And that is perfect, it is a good illustration on how we can use dd to make sure something is as we expect.

Now before we continue, remember in configuring the page module that we already cleaned up the permalink and language prefix.

Create a page in the CMS, and set the slug to example (or anything else, just remember it as we will use this in the rest of this guide.)

Rendering the page

Previously, we already setup a preview file for our page module that does the rendering of our blocks. This is perfect as we are building everything in blade, we can simply reuse that file for our front-end as well!

We will dive back into the PageDisplayController that we created before and we will get our page if we have one.

3namespace App\Http\Controllers;
5use App\Repositories\PageRepository;
6use Illuminate\Contracts\View\View;
8class PageDisplayController extends Controller
10 public function show(string $slug, PageRepository $pageRepository): View
11 {
12 $page = $pageRepository->forSlug($slug);
14 if (!$page) {
15 abort(404);
16 }
18 return view('', ['item' => $page]);
19 }

Let's break it down a little bit.

  • We added PageRepository $pageRepository to our arguments, this will be automatically injected by Laravel. This repository is provided by Twill and provides some useful methods like forSlug that we will use.
  • $page = $pageRepository->forSlug($slug); here we ask our repository for a page with the given slug. Internally this checks if the page is published. So if you do not see your page when you refresh the browser, it might be because it is still in draft mode!
  • if (!$page) { abort(404); }, this is just a double check, if the repository did not give us a result, it means that the page does not exist or is not published, in this case we want to display a 404 page.
  • Finally we return view('', ['item' => $page]); return our view file and set the item to the one we fetched from the repository! item in the data array corresponds to $item in our blade file.

And that is it, we can now display all the pages by using the slug in the url!

Now, we cannot tell our site visitors to guess the urls. Perhaps we need to add some navigation?