
Once you have created and configured multiple CRUD modules in your Twill's admin console, you can configure Twill's dashboard in config/twill.php.

Model activity

For each module that you want to enable in a part or all parts of the dashboard, add an entry to the dashboard.modules array, like in the following example:

1return [
2 'dashboard' => [
3 'modules' => [
4 'projects' => [ // module name if you added a morph map entry for it, otherwise FQN of the model (eg. App\Models\Project)
5 'name' => 'projects', // module name
6 'label' => 'projects', // optional, if the name of your module above does not work as a label
7 'label_singular' => 'project', // optional, if the automated singular version of your name/label above does not work as a label
8 'routePrefix' => 'work', // optional, if the module is living under a specific routes group
9 'count' => true, // show total count with link to index of this module
10 'create' => true, // show link in create new dropdown
11 'activity' => true, // show activities on this module in activities list
12 'draft' => true, // show drafts of this module for current user
13 'search' => true, // show results for this module in global search
14 ],
15 ...
16 ],
17 ...
18 ],
19 ...

Google Analytics

You can also enable a Google Analytics module:

1return [
2 'dashboard' => [
3 ...,
4 'analytics' => [
5 'enabled' => true,
6 'service_account_credentials_json' => storage_path('app/analytics/service-account-credentials.json'),
7 ],
8 ],
9 ...

It is using Spatie's Laravel Analytics package.

Follow Spatie's documentation to set up a Google service account and download a json file containing your credentials, and provide your Analytics view ID using the ANALYTICS_PROPERTY_ID environment variable.

User activity

In addition to model activity, you can also enable user login/logout activity.

This feature is disabled by default and can be enabled by setting the following config keys:

1twill.dashboard.auth_activity_log.login => true
2twill.dashboard.auth_activity_log.logout => true



3return [
4 'dashboard' => [
5 'auth_activity_log' => [
6 'login' => true,
7 'logout' => true
8 ]
9 ]