Legacy Settings Sections


These settings are marked as deprecated and will no longer be available in Twill 4.x

We recommend you to use the new settings instead.

Settings sections are standalone forms that you can add to your Twill's navigation to give publishers the ability to manage simple key/value records for you to then use anywhere in your application codebase.

To create a new settings section, add a blade file to your resources/views/twill/settings folder. The name of this file is the name of your new settings section.

In this file, you can use <x-twill::input /> Blade components to add new settings. The name attribute of each form field is the name of a setting. Wrap them like in the following example:

4 <x-twill:input
5 label="Site title"
6 name="site_title"
7 :maxlength="80"
8 />

If your translatable.locales configuration array contains multiple language codes, you can enable the translated option on your settings input form fields to make them translatable.

At this point, you want to add an entry in your config/twill-navigation.php configuration file to show the settings section link:

1return [
2 ...
3 'settings' => [
4 'title' => 'Settings',
5 'route' => 'admin.settings',
6 'params' => ['section' => 'section_name'],
7 'primary_navigation' => [
8 'section_name' => [
9 'title' => 'Section name',
10 'route' => 'admin.settings',
11 'params' => ['section' => 'section_name']
12 ],
13 ...
14 ]
15 ],

Each Blade file you create in resources/views/twill/settings creates a new section available for you to add in the primary_navigation array of your config/twill-navigation.php file.

You can then retrieve the value of a specific setting by its key, which is the name of the form field you defined in your settings form, either by directly using the A17\Twill\Models\Setting Eloquent model or by using the provided byKey helper in A17\Twill\Repositories\SettingRepository:

3use A17\Twill\Repositories\SettingRepository;
7app(SettingRepository::class)->byKey('site_title', 'section_name');